Procedure to reply to a defamation legal notice
I have divided the above title in two parts for reader's convenience. So firstly we will understand purpose of a Legal Notice. A Legal notice is a formal communication to a person or entity informing him that you intend to undertake legal proceedings against an individual. It is a step taken before filing a suit, and is meant to warn the other party that legal action may be taken against an individual, if an individual fails to comply with some specified condition. Procedure to send a Legal notice Engaging a qualified lawyer helps in drafting the legal-notice. Extreme care is taken about the choice of words and language used and measures of caution about not admitting any fact which you may later be denied in a court of law. Once the legal notice is dispatched then you cannot make any changes in that and later on also you cannot make any contradictory statement from what you have already stated in a legal notice. The Notice is sent on a plain paper or on the letterhead of the lawye...