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Subject to be chosen for practicing law

No one can guide us what we should do. As a successful individual goes with his/her intuition. 1. Criminal Law- Means defending person who has committed a crime, may be a criminal or an innocent person. Generally it sounds very attractive but it is challenging as a guilty person’s bail then getting him/ her acquitted is a painstaking task but if you are a mariner of an ocean then you can manage this ride. 2. Civil Law- Means turtle ride with all sorts of mutation entry, 7/12 extract, demarcation, encumbrance free property etc. A person with a lot of passion related to property related matter and immense patience should take it up. 3. Corporate Law- A person who has passion related to company and company matter should choose this field. Money is immense in every part and parcel of all sorts of area but a person who is driven internally can only mint it.