
Fundamental of Administrative Law

The Administrative Law is based on administration, judicial, constitution and statutory norms. With the need to control the exercise of power in order to protect the individual right and fairness in the administration, the Administrative Law came into existence. However their is no uniformity in Administrative Law in different countries. As it is based on the political, economic, legal system prevailing in a country. It is highly influenced by the constitution, the type of government and policies as well as principles of public administration implemented in a country. The expansion of the Administrative Law is not only based on statutory norms and provisions governing the administrative process. It is also depends on courts , which has played a pivotal role in shaping the procedure, affluence and objectives of the administrative law. It contains key principles of government administration for example transparency, accountability and participation of the public. It also envisions the es

IPC sections for a criminal trespass

Section 441 of Indian Penal Code defines Criminal tresspass, it is a cognizable offence hence  Step 1 - you should lodge an FIR at police station as per the jurisdiction. If the Police inspector refuses to lodge an FIR then same day write an application to your city’s Police Commissioner and if you are in rural area then write an application complaining against the PI stating that he has refused to lodge an FIR in spite the criminal tresspass is a cognizable offence. Step 2- For quick remedy , you can go ahead with the private complaint by filing a court case under Section. 441, Section. 447 r/w of Indian Penal Code and Section.156 (3) of Criminal Procedure Code. So that Judicial Magistrate First Class will instruct the police station to do further investigation and if you have proper evidences against the accused then you will get the remedy. But do not forget to go ahead with proper steps. Submit all the proofs to court of law related to FIR lodging steps.

Subject to be chosen for practicing law

No one can guide us what we should do. As a successful individual goes with his/her intuition. 1. Criminal Law- Means defending person who has committed a crime, may be a criminal or an innocent person. Generally it sounds very attractive but it is challenging as a guilty person’s bail then getting him/ her acquitted is a painstaking task but if you are a mariner of an ocean then you can manage this ride. 2. Civil Law- Means turtle ride with all sorts of mutation entry, 7/12 extract, demarcation, encumbrance free property etc. A person with a lot of passion related to property related matter and immense patience should take it up. 3. Corporate Law- A person who has passion related to company and company matter should choose this field. Money is immense in every part and parcel of all sorts of area but a person who is driven internally can only mint it.

Decision of Bail amounts in Indian Courts

In Indian courts bail amount is calculated based on the following 1.  Brutality of crime 2.  Judge's decision.

Stages of Criminal Case In India

Information related to the various stages of criminal trial in India.

The Reason for Rule 12 & Format of the declaration required under Rule 12 of company incorporation rules

The Amendment Rules introduce a proviso to Rule 12. After this amendment, Rule 12 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules 2014 shall read:


Licenses are required, and before you can lawfully start to work your business, you need to have all of its licenses in place.